Knowledge Base/Does Polygon have data for any options that are traded after 4 PM EST?

Does Polygon have data for any options that are traded after 4 PM EST?

Yes, we support every single Option trade that occurs on the US Options market. Typically, Options trading ends at 4 PM EST. However, there are a handful of ETF Options contracts that trade until 4:15 PM EST.

However, there are a handful of ETF Options contracts that trade until 4:15 PM EST. Here is a full list of ETF Options that can be traded after 4 PM EST -

  • AUM,
  • AUX,
  • BACD,
  • BPX,
  • BRB,
  • BSZ,
  • BVZ,
  • CDD,
  • CITD,
  • DBA,
  • DBB,
  • DBC,
  • DBO,
  • DBS,
  • DIA,
  • DJX,
  • EEM,
  • EFA,
  • EUI,
  • EUU,
  • GAZ,
  • GBP,
  • GSSD,
  • IWM,
  • IWN,
  • IWO,
  • IWV,
  • JJC,
  • JPMD,
  • KBE,
  • KRE,
  • MDY,
  • MLPN,
  • MNX,
  • MOO,
  • MSTD,
  • NDO,
  • NDX,
  • NZD,
  • OEF,
  • OEX,
  • OIL,
  • PZO,
  • QQQ,
  • RUT,
  • RVX,
  • SFC,
  • SKA,
  • SLX,
  • SPX,
  • SPX (PM Expiration),
  • SPY,
  • SVXY,
  • UNG,
  • UUP,
  • UVXY,
  • VIIX,
  • VIX,
  • VIXM,
  • VIXY,
  • VXEEM,
  • VXST,
  • VXX,
  • VXZ,
  • XEO,
  • XHB,
  • XLB,
  • XLE,
  • XLF,
  • XLI,
  • XLK,
  • XLP,
  • XLU,
  • XLV,
  • XLY,
  • XME,
  • XRT,
  • XSP,
  • XSP (AM Expiration),
  • YUK

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