
We're Moving... Datacenters

Apr 17, 2018

We are very happy to announce we will be moving into Equinix NY2/NY4 datacenters! This will put Polygon in the same datacenter as Chicago Board Options Exchange, Bats, ICAP, Nasdaq, NYSE and more. The benefits of the move will be great for Polygon users. Lower latency, better reliability, and the option for direct cross links to Polygons servers if you are in the NYX datacenters. We will also offer dedicated servers inside our racks for clients who require the lowest latency possible.

We will be moving the physical servers on a Saturday, so we do not expect any impact on clients. RESTful APIs will be unavailble for that time period.

If you are interested in cross connects or dedicated hardware, please get in touch as these are currently limited.

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hunting anomalies in the stock market Feature Image

Hunting Anomalies in the Stock Market

This tutorial demonstrates how to detect short-lived statistical anomalies in historical US stock market data by building tools to identify unusual trading patterns and visualize them through a user-friendly web interface.